The ABiTi Consultancy Services plays an important role and is the only institution that provides CPD to histology laboratory professionals in Ethiopia. It, besides; helps to improve the practice by conducting different types of training through physical and virtual methods.
Lists of CPDs
2- Troubleshooting in H&E Staining
3- Pre-filled Vs Post filled containers with formalin;
Ethiopia context
4- Home-made Vs Purchased staining solutions
5- Assessment of the Preanalytical phase of APL
6- Assessment of the Analytical phase of APL
7- Assessment of the Postanalytical phase of APL
8- Degree of error in APL Vs in Clinical Laboratory
test analysis
9- PDCA in APL
10- Cost analysis of samples analyzed in APL
11- Are Histology laboratory professionals able to
12- Property and treatment of cytological sample inAPL
13- Safety measures in APL; Ethiopia context
14- The association of cold ischemia time and the
quality of staining at IHC
15- The importance of using different types of
staining methods for cytological studies
16- Preparation of cell block
17- Immunocytochemistry (ICC) for pap smear
18- And many more . . .